In 1981, the personal computer revolution gained momentum when IBM introduced its first personal computer. The strength of IBM's reputation was a key factor in legitimizing PCs for general use.
The first IBM PC was a floppy based system which used Intel's 8088 microprocessor. The original units had text only displays, true graphics were an option that came later. Memory was also limited, typically only 128K, or 256K of RAM. The machine used an operating system known as DOS, a command line system similar to the earlier ~CP/M~ system. IBM later released the IBM PC/XT. This was an expanded machine that added a hard drive and CGA graphics.
As the machine became popular, several other companies began to release imitations of the IBM PC. These early "clones" were marked by incompatibilities due to their inability to properly reproduce IBM's BIOS. These were commonly marketed as "90% compatible". This problem would soon be overcome and the resulting competition would serve to push technology and drive prices down.